Oof, I’ve really dropped the ball on this one. It’s been a really crazy few weeks. We went on vacation to Iceland for a week (which was awesome!) and I also started a new job, which has been really enjoyable. And as I’ve had less and less free time, this blog has suffered – and […]
Read the full postI think I want to go on record as not being a fan of Drupal. In the world of stability versus flexibility, I think Drupal comes out on the losing end: in its attempt to be as flexible as possible, it comes to rely on the database connection extremely heavily, and under pressure it would […]
Read the full postI was recently asked to implement a comments section using the Facebook API. In general Facebook makes it really easy to do this with only a few lines of Javascript. When I tried to use their comment counting as well, though, I got this error: this._count.value is undefined So I looked into it a bit […]
Read the full postI’ve come to the conclusion that of all the frameworks out there, the ones that will win out are the ones that make upgrading or updating as easy as humanly possible. I’m writing this post in WordPress, a CMS that has made great strides in upgrading. When you log into the dashboard, it tells you […]
Read the full postI don’t understand why companies are so hesitant to invest in infrastructure. For the rest of this article, I’ll be referring to internal tools and such, not applications meant for public use. As a developer, the biggest bummer is when you have to deal with legacy code that’s suddenly broken. No one is around who […]
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