Blog Posts

  • Configuring Symfony 2 for Gaufrette and Amazon S3

    We’ve got a really big project that’s being built in Symfony 2. It’s going to be hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), so I looked into integrating S3 into our build. The KnpLabsGaufretteBundle seems to be the right choice for the job due to its clean abstraction, but getting it to actually run was a […]

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  • reCAPTCHA Package for Laravel 4

    I’m happy to announce my first Laravel 4 package! It’s a small package for inserting and handling a reCAPTCHA element into a form. The package uses all the internal workings of Laravel 4 and should be a breeze to use. It’s available on Packagist, and full installation instructions are available at If you come […]

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  • Google Reader

    As most people know by now, Google is ending Google Reader at the end of June due to lack of users. I’m curious how they came to that conclusion given the overwhelming response to the news. From a business standpoint I can pretty much get why this is happening, but really, it just seems like […]

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  • SourceTree

    I don’t really have much to say right now except this: I am super excited that Atlassian’s SourceTree is going to be released for Windows. It’s easily the best Git client I’ve used on OSX at work, and being able to use it on my own work at home is going to be awesome. The […]

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  • The return of browser lock-in

    Back in the day, everyone used Internet Explorer 6, and websites were optimized to use it. There were countless users who would go to a site only to find that it didn’t work because they weren’t using IE and their browser didn’t support certain functionality. Eventually browsers like Firefox and Chrome came out and ended […]

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