Blog Posts

  • The Dublin Bus system

    Last month I spent a week in Dublin, Ireland. It’s really a fantastic city, with excellent food and exceedingly nice people (compared to New York, anyway). The biggest problem we had, though, was in actually getting around the city. We used the Dublin Bus system to get around, but I should realized what we got […]

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  • Maybe… too much

    I just ordered a second switch for my network at home. Seems a little excessive for two people to need seven ports, but what can you do? That’s just how this apartment is set up. In other news, my apologies for not writing more. We just moved, and have been spending a lot of time […]

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  • A sense of humor

    The big news tonight is that Woot! was acquired by Amazon. That’s all well and good and I’m happy for them, but I think the best part of it is the statement released by Matt Rutledge, the CEO.  It’s well worth a read, if only because it’s so hilarious. It’s not every day that you […]

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  • Farewell, W train

    Today us New Yorkers say goodbye to the W train. After just under nine years of identity crises, the train line is being axed by the MTA due to budget cuts. It’s been one of my two trains since I moved into my current apartment, where it’s served me and my fellow commuters rather well. […]

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  • Android apps: SoundHound

    I’ve been meaning to do a section where I spotlight apps in the Android market, so this is as good a place as any to start. The app: SoundHound Cost: Free for 5 songs/mo; or $5 paid SoundHound is basically Shazam on crack. At its core, the app does music identification. So if you’re, say, […]

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