Is it me, or have been companies been sending out proportionally more holiday sale-related emails than ever before? I’ve received an email about sales from several companies literally every day since December 13, and I don’t really remember it being this bad in years past. Actually, it’s gotten so bad from some that I actually […]
Read the full postAnother new layout! Well, sort of. It’s the same layout as before, only I redid it in HTML5. It was an interesting little exercise; not particularly difficult, just getting used to new tags and how they interact. It’s interesting that <article> tags would be used for content that could be syndicated, and you would theoretically […]
Read the full postHooray for a new site design! Much happier with this one. And, um.. I guess that’s it.
Read the full postEleven days ago there was a post on TechCrunch about Foursquare. It sort of meandered in its point, but it was basically saying that Foursquare needs to get its act together and figure out what its value position is. There’s also a part about how no one should try to compete with Facebook Places, but […]
Read the full postI’ve been building my own computers for at least the past twelve years. Every time I do a new build, I add in a discrete graphics card. Way back when I was playing (what at the time were) graphics heavy games, I would splurge a bit and get a really good card so I could […]
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